Eliminate fear and start your homeschool college search off right by discovering homeschool-friendly schools like Thiel College!
You’ve spent 12+ years homeschooling your child. The last thing you want to hear from a college or university admissions officer is that your child isn’t accepted because the school “does not recognize homeschooling as a valid means of education.”
I have to admit, that was a big fear of mine when I first started homeschooling my daughter in preschool. But, there was no way in the world I was going to homeschool her all the way through high school, so there was nothing to worry about, right?
Wrong! With each passing year, I saw her and my other children flourish in the homeschool environment. Preschool turned into elementary school. And from elementary school, we continued homeschooling through middle school.
As my daughter approached high school age, I did the unthinkable. I did exactly what I certainly never intended to do. We homeschooled high school. And she continued to flourish.
The Fear was Real!
But, that nagging, deep-seated fear still crept up. What if she had problems getting into her college of choice because we chose to homeschool her?
I convinced myself that everything would be okay because she took some of her coursework as dual credit / dual enrollment at the local community college. I assured myself that colleges would see her SAT scores and the whole issue of not attending a “traditional high school” would fade into the background.
Truth be told, I was nervous. Very nervous.
I was compensated for my time in composing this advertorial. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and I was not required to post a positive review of this college.
Start your Homeschool College Search off Right!
Yet, in spite of my fears, I never actively encouraged my daughter to pursue homeschool-friendly colleges and universities. Why didn’t I do this? I don’t know – I think I was simply convinced that things would just work out. We definitely didn’t start our homeschool college search on the right foot.
I know – not the best approach! Hopefully, you’ll learn from my misstep and make sure that your child’s college search includes homeschool-friendly schools.
Thankfully, I only had to jump through a few hoops to enroll my daughter at her college of choice.
But, it sure would have been a lot less stressful if I had known beforehand that her school of choice actually accepted homeschoolers! It would have been icing on the cake if I’d known ahead of time that the school not only accepted homeschoolers but welcomed them!
Well, that is exactly what Thiel College does! They not only accept homeschooled students, Thiel College welcomes homeschoolers!
Thiel College: Homeschool-Friendly ✔️
Thiel College is a small school with a big heart and an even larger commitment to student success. It’s a liberal arts college located in a small community in Greenville, Pennsylvania. At Thiel, students are provided with an exceptional college experience at an affordable price.
Students at Thiel make social, intellectual, and professional connections that will support them and help them discover the leader within through their Tomcat Way leadership development model.
And I can’t help but mention they have an entire webpage and brochure dedicated to homeschool student admissions, which was a big indicator that they welcome homeschool students!
More Facts about Thiel College:
- 11:1 student/faculty ratio ensures a personalized experience
- 95% of Thiel graduates are employed or continuing their studies in their subject area within a year of graduation
- 60+ majors and minors to select from
- $21 million in scholarships were awarded in 2021
- 99% of students receive some sort of financial aid
- 100% of students complete at least one internship or other high impact practice
- Over $47 million has recently been invested in new construction and renovations, including Rhodehouse Science Building, Beeghly Gymnasium, and student residences
So, if you’ve got a high schooler planning to attend college, please learn from me – make sure your homeschool college search begins with schools like Thiel College, who welcome homeschoolers. You can thank me later!
This post was originally published on February 8, 2023.
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