Are you missing that special quality time with your older homeschooled kids? Get it back with the Master Books High School Morning Basket!
When my kids were small, my mom always told me to enjoy them while they were little because they grow up so fast. I was knee-deep in diapers and pull-ups. Seriously – it was as if we got a raise once all the kids started wearing big-boy and bog-girl underwear!
And, then, I was too busy bandaging wounds, playing referee at the dinner table, and trying to overstep the LEGO all over the floor.
I’ve heard some say the days are long but the years are short.
Now that my youngest kiddos are almost 17 years old, I see exactly what my mom meant! I miss the days of us sitting around the table “doing school” together! I miss the laughter. The engagement. The fun activities. And I never thought I could get it back until now…
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Exactly what our Homeschool was Missing!
Have you ever longed for something you didn’t even know you were missing? I wanted that “together time” back! Just me and my babies!
But, I didn’t know how to get it back because those days of us “doing school” together around the table were long gone.
My daughter is in college. My oldest twin boys just graduated high school. And my youngest twin boys are at that stage where mom is not cool and hanging out with her is NOT what they really want to do.
Plus, most of their schoolwork is independent now – and at this point, my role as a homeschool parent is more administrative.
It wasn’t until I got the Master Books High School Morning Basket that I realized exactly what I’d been missing!
What is the High School Morning Basket?
First, what is a morning basket? A morning basket is a collection of books and activities designed to bring the family together for a time of truth and goodness to get the day started right.
Master Books offers various morning basket homeschool bundles. Each bundle offers Bible instruction, devotions, exploring the wonder of God’s creation, activities, and more! Here are the morning baskets currently available:
- Faith Growers Morning Basket
- Heart for God Morning Basket
- Ken Ham Morning Basket (this includes Will They Stand, which I just finished reading!)
- Elementary Morning Basket
- High School Morning Basket (this is the basket we’re using right now)
- Family Morning Basket
- Wonders Morning Basket
What’s included in the High School Morning Basket?
The Master Books High School Morning Basket includes six books:
- If Animals Could Talk by Dr. Werner Gitt
- Answers Book for Teens Vol. 1 by Bodie Hodge, Tommy Michell & Ken Ham
- Bible Brainstorms by Roger Howerton
- Evidence for the Bible by Clive Anderson & Brian Edwards
- So Noted! by Dr. Henry Morris
- Great for God by David Shibley
Note – I highly recommend you get one Bible Brainstorms book for each kid participating. I even purchased one for myself! (More on the Bible Brainstorms in a bit!)
How we’re using the High School Morning Basket:
Truth moment – I was confused as soon as I opened the package. The books looked great and I was excited to get started, but I didn’t know where to start! Questions rushed through my mind. Do I just go through the books at our own pace? Shouldn’t there be a guide telling me what to do?
That moment of confusion soon changed to relief! I went back to the Master Books website and discovered the schedule in the Resources section of the High School Morning Basket page. And relief soon changed to exhilaration! The schedule is color-coded. (For me, it’s the little things – lol!)
The schedule tells me exactly what books, chapters, and page numbers to use every single day! I immediately printed it off! I even laminated it!
Once I had the schedule in place, we started following each day’s reading and activity. Although it’s called the morning basket, for us, it’s more like the afternoon basket. We tend to gather together at the table right after lunch to complete the reading and activities.
And, we don’t actually have a basket for the books either. I just keep them stacked together in my office. When it’s time, I just grab the stack.
What we think about the High School Morning Basket:
Initially, my kids were not interested. However, as we continued – that all changed. In fact, they began to ask to do “the Bible games.”
Their favorite part of the “morning basket” is the Bible Brainstorms book (aka – the Bible games). The schedule just has one brainstorm activity per day. However, my boys beg to do extra almost every day. Of course, they compete to see who finishes each puzzle the fastest!
At first, I was a stickler on the schedule. But, when your kids are asking to do Bible activities, it just doesn’t feel right to say no. So, I don’t!
You can see we are much further along with the brainstorm activities than we are with the readings. But, that’s okay. Because what’s most important to me is that I’ve got that special together time back with my boys! Thank you, Master Books!
My boys are being challenged.
And, they are having fun! Our time together is so precious to me!
The years may be short, but I’m trying to make the most of the days I still have left with my kids before they’re all off to college!
I longed for that “together time” with my kiddos and Master Books provided exactly what I needed to get it back – the High School Morning Basket!
Are you missing that special quality time with your high schoolers? Be sure to check out the Master Books High School Morning Basket. It might just be exactly what’s missing in your homeschool too!
More About Master Books:
I love Master Books approach to education, specifically Christian homeschooling! With over 25 years of homeschool experience, their curriculum team finds the best books and resources for a variety of learners!
Their style is best described as eclectic! And I love this because each student is different. The mixture affords the best possible, individualized learning environment for each student. Want to know more? Check out Master Books today!
Master Books Giveaway:
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This post was originally published on July 4, 2024.
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