In this day and time, typing skills are crucial! We live in a technology-focused world and I’m convinced that kids will be at a drastic disadvantage as young adults if they don’t learn touch typing while they are young. This is why I have chosen to incorporate typing into our homeschool.
I received this product free of charge for review purposes and was compensated for my time. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and I was not required to post a positive review of the product.
So, what exactly is touch typing? It is basically the ability to type quickly with accuracy without having to look at the keys! Yep, this means no more pecking at the keys!
There are lots of different typing programs on the market. However, if you are looking for a simple, to-the-point, easy to use, highly accessible program that is completely free, I suggest you check out KidzType.
KidzType is a FREE online typing program that incorporates:
- typing games
- practice lessons based on keyboard row, shifts, and symbols
- typing exercises and review
- more advanced typing practice (ex: sentences & paragraphs)
Typing Practice
With the program, there are lots of opportunities for practice from introductory typing lessons to practice typing paragraphs! I firmly believe that you only become better at typing through repetition.
The program allows for this self-guided repetition. For a motivated student, they can simply continue repeating the lessons they need extra practice with.
For younger or not-so-motivated students, the parent/teacher can simply assign practice lessons until they are satisfactorily mastered!
Typing Games
My younger boys love playing video games. When I can combine the digital aspect of video games along with instructional value, it’s a win-win situation for me! KidzType includes various different typing games that my boys have enjoyed playing to improve their typing abilities!
Helpful Hint: Since the does site contain ads, I simply adjust the window size so that only the game/typing interface shows on the screen. See image above.
Online Typing
KidzType is completely online! This is great for homeschool moms on the go, because you can take it with you wherever you have an internet connection and a computer!
It is also nice because you don’t have to worry about keeping up with a disk or password. Simply decide what your child needs to work on and let them start practicing!
FREE Typing Lessons
Did I mention that the program is completely free? FREE! As a homeschool mom, I usually spend a lot of money on curriculum. It is always a nice surprise when I find a helpful resource to use with my kiddos that I don’t have to pay for!
KidzType helps you practice and become a pro at touch typing. For more info, be sure to check out KidzType in Facebook!
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