True story! I signed my younger boys up for an online, interactive reading program and hoped for the best. You see, reading has been more of a struggle with them than my older kids, so I’ve been willing to try almost anything to get them to love reading like their older siblings!
So, I logged them into this new program and I headed out for a massive grocery run to Costco. While strategically trying to keep my grocery cart from overflowing, I got a phone call from my son.
“Mom, this is awesome!”
Engrossed in my shopping list, I asked, “What are you talking about?”
“The egg thing! Mom it’s great! I got to choose my own avatar and I got to buy my own apartment and I got to buy a bed and other stuff for it. And I got a pet dog and I get to play games. Mom, it’s so awesome!”
Surprised by his excitement, I soon wrapped up my extensive shopping trip and headed back home, only to discover that they were STILL using “the egg thing”!
Has there ever been a product or curriculum that you have seen advertised a lot and wanted to try…but just hadn’t? That’s exactly what it was like for me with Reading Eggs. That’s “the egg thing” that my son kept referring to. And, I’m SO incredibly glad we decided to give it a try! My boys have been asking to use Reading Eggs (specifically Reading Eggspress) non-stop!
Y’all, this is HUGE for us! Prior to Reading Eggs, I had to make my younger boys read. It was never something that they chose to do. But, they ASK to use Reading Eggs! I don’t have to make them do it! So, what exactly is Reading Eggs? Let me tell you!!
Reading Eggs Online Learning Program
It’s no secret that my younger boys prefer video games over reading. But, what if I told you that I’ve found the perfect combination of both…AND, my boys absolutely LOVE it!
Reading Eggs is a fun, online reading program for kids ages 2-13. (See the levels in the graphic below.) Through the use of online reading games and interactive activities, Reading Eggs makes reading both interesting and engaging for kids. Kids earn golden eggs and other rewards which motivate them to keep exploring the site, learning, and reading more!
Reading Eggs provides instruction in phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. The program begins with a reading assessment test to ensure the child is placed at the appropriate level to ensure that the one-on-one lessons match your child’s reading ability.
Our experience with Reading Eggspress
Initially, I was concerned that my boys would just end up playing games and very little reading and comprehension would take place. Boy, was I wrong!
Just yesterday I overheard them discussing the books they had read on Reading Eggspress while they were eating lunch. One son was defining a new word he had learned! Y’all, that just made my heart happy!
Another day, they were outside trying to drown a bee. Don’t ask me why? They are boys…enough said. Anyhow, my son proceeded to tell me all about killer bees. He had read a book about it on Reading Eggspress!
Yet, another day I overheard one of my boys telling my husband about the size of a whale’s brain! Yes, he read about it on Reading Eggspress!
Reading Eggs is not just games! My boys are actually reading and learning and retaining the information! As a homeschool mom, I am love this!!!
With over 2500 e-books, each with their own comprehension quiz, I am certain that my boys will not run out of interesting books to read!
Digital Reading App
Aside from the fact, that Reading Eggs has my boys excited about reading, my favorite part is the app! I’ve mentioned how my older boys grab a book when we head out the door and how my younger boys ask to bring the iPad.
Well, now I don’t feel so bad about letting them bring it because all they want to do is use the Reading Eggs app! And, you know what that means! They are reading!
I have come to accept the fact that reading doesn’t always have to consist of a physical book. I have realized that I can get the same thing accomplished digitally, and my boys actually look forward to it!
That IS the ultimate goal, for my boys to enjoy reading! And, Reading Eggspress has done just that!
Sign up for FREE!
Reading Eggs has become an invaluable way for us to incorporate reading skills in our digital world! I recommend you give Reading Eggs a try and see for yourself!
Sign up for a FREE 4 week trial of Reading Eggs and get full access to the entire program! My only regret?? I wish we would have started Reading Eggs sooner!!!
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