As much as I love the hands-on activities and crafts in our My Father’s World Kindergarten Curriculum, I was not very good about doing the Words to Remember badges with my daughter. So, I came up with something a little different for the boys. I created printable art/copywork pages for them to work on their penmanship while creatively depicting the Words to Remember. It was a hit!
This is one of our Lesson 1: Ss Sun pages. First, the boys completed the copywork at the bottom of the page and then they began the craft portion of the activity.
- construction paper (yellow, red, orange)
- circular plastic lid
- scissors
- glue
- MFW Words to Remember printable
1) Using the lid, trace a circle onto the yellow paper and cut it out.
2) Cut red and orange strips of paper to form the rays.
3) Glue the sun and sun rays onto the copywork printable.
We worked on patterning as we alternated red and orange sun rays!
PLEASE NOTE: These copywork printables are only for students who are reading and writing easily. This type of copywork is not a regular part of the My Father’s World Kindergarten curriculum.
Mama Jenn
Thanks for your kind words Erna! You are not the first to ask me about how I make the copywork pages. So, I think I will try to put together a post about how I do it! How does that sound?!?!? 😉
Mama Jenn
It’s good to know that I am not/was not the only one skipping the badges! 😉
I won’t lie, we skip over the badge part too! But I LOVE this idea because it still gives them the concept. Thanks for the idea! We’ve only done a few letter’s this year so I think we’ll go back and do this for them! 🙂
Kayla Arrowood
Love it!!
Hello Mama Jenn,
I have followed your blog for a while and really enjoy it. Our family also uses MFW and I appreciate some of the ideas or downloads on your site. I wonder what program you use for making your copywork pages. I would love to be able to make my own. Would you mind sharing some of your tricks of the trade?
Much Thanks,