I created the Read It. Spell It. Write It. printable to go along with our Magnetic Phonogram Tiles. It is a great spelling enrichment activity that my kids enjoy using to practice their spelling words.
To save on paper and ink, we laminate the page and use dry erase markers. Another option is to slide the page in a page protector. Place the page on a magnetic cookie sheet or some sort of magnetic board. I prefer to NOT use the cookie sheet because the lip of the cookie sheet makes writing a big awkward and unnatural. So, we use a flat magnetic board that I found at a garage sale.
Simply write one word in each of the four boxes along the left side of the page prior to giving the page to the student. The student first reads the word aloud. As a reminder to read and sound out the word, the child must put a check mark in the box beside the word after reading it. The child then spells the word using some sort of alphabet manipulative (ex: letter tiles, magnet letters, foam letters, alphabet disks, etc.). We use our magnetic phonogram tiles. Finally, the student writes the word in the last box.
Download Read It. Spell It. Write It. from my Spelling Printables page.
Tiffany Blumenberg
Please help me to download the Spelling Printable. I was able to subscribe and download the phonogram tiles. I would like to have the others as well like read it, spell it, write it, the one where you roll the dice, and the bingo.
Mama Jenn
Hi Tiffany, I apologize for the delayed response! Looks like you’ve found a few printables that I have yet to update. My apologies! I will work on getting these updated. However, if you are still interested in them, please email me and I’ll send them over to you directly – so you don’t have to wait for me to complete the updates.
Thank you!
Mama Jenn
You’re welcome!!
Mama Jenn
No prob! Thanks for the additional ideas and resources!
This is a fantastic strategy for helping children understand spelling patterns. I always tell my kiddos it takes 12 practice times to put something to memory so this is a great way to hit 3. We also love to practice our spelling on http://www.spellingcity.com. Unscramble would another perfect way for students to apply what their learned while they were reading, spelling and writing. Thanks so much for sharing!
The Schroeder Page
Thank you for this valuable information. This is my first year homeschooling and your idea looks like so much fun!! Thank you for this.
I love that idea!
What a great idea! Saving it for when my guy is older. Thank you!
Thanks for making this handout available to us! It looks great; we are going to have to try it in our homeschool!
VERY neat idea!!!!At this point, I’m not sure if I want school to “end” for the summer!!!! And thanks for including the various color/non-color options!!!!
Heather@Cultivated Lives
What a fun idea. I just love the idea of reading the word and then breaking it up into its phonogram parts with the tiles. I’m definitely going to have to make a set of these for my boys!
~A fellow SWR user.