Download FREE Hero Tales notebooking pages / copywork printables to supplement the My Father’s World Exploring Countries & Cultures homeschool curriculum.
We have used the My Father’s World homeschool curriculum for years! It has been a true blessing for our family. The first curriculum package in the My Father’s World 3rd – 8th grade learning cycle is Exploring Countries & Cultures. As with all of our MFW curriculum, I have created printables and copywork pages to supplement this already amazing homeschool program.
One of the books included in the My Father’s World Exploring Countries and Cultures curriculum is Hero Tales by Dave & Neta Jackson. It is a treasury of true stories from the lives of Christian heroes!
The heroes included in this volume are:
- Gladys Aylward
- William & Catherine Booth
- Amy Carmichael
- Adoniram & Ann Judson
- David Livingstone
- Martin Luther
- Dwight L. Moody
- Samuel Morris
- George Muller
- Menno Simons
- Mary Slessor
- Hudson Taylor
- Harriet Tubman
- William Tyndale
- John Wesley
I am VERY excited to use this book with my daughter this year!
My Father's World [FREE] Printables:
One of the suggestions in the MFW ECC curriculum is to use the character qualities printed at the end of each story as copywork. So, I decided to whip up some printables to use for that exact purpose! Since my daughter loves drawing, I also added additional space for her to illustrate the character quality or some other aspect from the story. Once we dive into Hero Tales, I will be sure to post some of her work!
Even if you don’t have the Hero Tales book or you are not using MFW ECC, these could still be used as a great way to work on penmanship while reinforcing some positive character qualities at the same time!
Subscriber ONLY Download
The Hero Tales Primary Copywork printables are currently available only to Mama Jenn subscribers on my special My Father’s World email list.
Subscribers: Access this FREE printable by clicking the download button below and entering my special MFW Subscribers Only username and password.
Download the Hero Tales Primary Copywork
*The download link above is only for subscribers.*
Not a Subscriber? Get access to the printable by clicking the button below to subscribe to my special MFW email newsletter and I’ll send you the username and password to download the file.
My Father's World [FREE] Printables:
PLEASE NOTE: These printables were designed for use by 2nd and 3rd graders using the My Father’s World Exploring Countries & Cultures curriculum.
Lastly, I created these printables to coordinate with the original version of the MFW ECC curriculum. I am not certain if they coordinate with the current version available.
See ALL my Exploring Countries & Cultures Supplements
Even More MFW Printables:
Are you using a different My Father’s World curriculum? No problem! I’ve created printables to supplement many of the other MFW curriculum packages. Check out the other MFW printables I have created:
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Adventures in U.S. History
- Exploring Countries & Cultures
- Creation to the Greeks
- Rome to the Reformation
- Exploration to 1850
- 1850 to Modern Times
Go to my MFW Supplements Homepage
This post was originally published on August 9, 2011.
Hero Tales is a really good book! My son read two of them.
Clara Stacko
Hero Tales is a really good book. My son read two of them last year.
Leah Mcmunn
Awww….I really wish I had this last year. We did ECC last year and had a great time. Your printables are wonderful!!!!
We are doing CtG this year.
Mama Jenn
Jemma, you are welcome! 🙂
Mama Jenn
Thanks so much Jenn!
THANK YOU!!!!! We are doing this same curriculum and the same level this year! I am SOOO excited!
Jenn R.
Thank you Jenn! Your copywork printables are fantastic. This will be our seventh year HS’ing our four children. I appreciate all the hard work you do and then share with the rest of us. Love your blog!
Jenn R.
Mama Jenn
Thank you so much!
ponad siebie
I found your blog very inspiring therefore I decided to leave you an award on my blog:
Thank you for sharing your great ideas with us
Mama Jenn
Ha ha! You are too funny! You are very welcome! 🙂
Seriously, you are a rock star!! Thank you so, so much.
Mama Jenn
Thanks Monica! You can totally share them on the group! I am in the process of trying to get all of my other MFW printables from previous years moved over to the website for easier downloading…but they are still available through 4shared. Do you have more info on the yahoo group?
Monica W
Girl you are awesome! I can’t wait to see what else you have for our year! Thanks so much for sharing. I am on the MFW ECC yahoo group. If you are part of it, you may want share your printables there also (or I can if you like).