Homeschool mom, are you struggling to teach math to your large family? This online math program is the solution to your curriculum troubles!
If you’ve got a large family then you know all about the challenges of homeschooling multiple ages. Even more-so, you know first hand how hard it can be to teach five different math levels to five different kids, with a toddler to tow!
Raise your hand if you are currently trying to teach kindergarten math, 4th grade math, pre-algebra, geometry and calculus to your kids, all while keeping up with a little one.
[hand raised]
Homeschool mama, I hear you! That’s a LOT of math for one person to teach!
What if I told you that there’s a way to lighten your load?
What if I told you that you don’t have to do all of that teaching?
What if I said you don’t have to teach math to your kids at all?
Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m definitely NOT suggesting that we abort all math education! What I am suggesting is that you stop trying to do it all – stop trying to teach it all yourself.
For the longest time I thought that in order to “homeschool” my children that I had to teach them everything myself.
It may sound silly now, but for many years this is how I felt. It wasn’t until my daughter started dreading math with me that I realized I could still homeschool my kids and have someone else help out with the teaching!
Homeschool mama, this is what I’m suggesting to you: When it comes to large families and math education, don’t succumb to the stress of trying to do everything yourself. It’s okay to delegate! It’s alright to get help!
In fact, I highly suggest that you STOP trying to do it all! Why not let someone else help with the heavy lifting? Specifically, I’m talking about Patrick Murray from CTCMath.
What is CTCMath?
I’m glad you asked! CTCMath is a complete K-12 online math curriculum containing over 1,400 tutorials. Each 4-9 minute lesson presents mathematical concepts in a step-by-step manner.
While the video below provides specific details about how the program works, I want to highlight a few parts of the curriculum that I believe are extremely beneficial to large homeschool families!
Learn Math Online with Video Tutorials
CTCMath provides online video instruction so that you don’t have to teach a single math lesson! And, this sure beats simply putting a textbook in front of your child and expecting them to teach themselves. There is something special about someone showing you how to do math!
Homeschool mama, I know you may have the desire to teach math to you child. And, I understand that the time to do so simply isn’t there, especially when you’re juggling the needs of large family!
It’s okay to let Pat help! Besides, he’s got more than thirty-one years of experience! With CTCMath, Pat shows students how to do their math work through the use of synchronized audio and animated video tutorials.
Math Curriculum with Automated Grading & Reports
As a mom of a large family, one of my least favorite things when it comes to homeschooling, is grading. Let’s face it, grading is time-consuming. I’m embarrassed to admit that my kids would end up waiting weeks and weeks for me to get around to grading some of their assignments.
Well, with CTCMath, there is no more waiting on mom! The student enters their answer and the program does the grading for you! Easy peasy!
AND, if that weren’t enough, the program provides detailed reporting and tracking so that you can always know how your child is progressing through and mastering the material.
When you’ve got a large family, having this valuable information at the tip of your fingers in very handy!
Affordable Online Math Learning
This all sounds great, right? Just what you need to make math easy to manage for your large family! But how much is it?
Don’t worry, it’s very affordable! The Homeschool Family Membership is definitely the way to go! And, homeschoolers get a 50% discount off the regular price! (Note: Current prices are subject to change.)
For ONLY $148.50 (regularly $297), you have 12 months of math covered for your ENTIRE family – all of your kiddos in grades K-12!
From the basics of counting for kindergartners all the way to Trigonometry and Calculus…and everything in between!
Do you understand what this means? With the Homeschool Family Membership, the more kids you have, the better the deal! I don’t know about you, but I’ve paid more than $150 for just one child’s math curriculum! Paying less than that for ALL the kids in the family is simply unheard of!!
Try it for FREE!
Are you ready to put an end to the challenge of teaching math to your large homeschool family? Head on over to get CTCMath for 50% OFF today!
Not quite ready to purchase? No problem! You can sign up for the free trial!
Be sure to check out the CTCMath free online math tutorials as well!
Stop trying to do it all…
Homeschool mama, I know that you are busy! I know that you strive to give your absolute best to your family day in and day out! But, don’t beat yourself up because you can’t do it all. No one can.
And that’s why I encourage you to simply STOP – stop trying to do it all and accept help. Delegate. And you can start today by making math easy for you and your family!
Get CTCMath for Half Price TODAY!
This post was originally published on November 4, 2021.
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