Join in on the adventures of the Wild brothers, growing up as missionary kids in the jungle, with their Growing Up Wild missions / Bible curriculum.
What do you want to be when you grow up? For the longest time my daughter’s response was, “a singing missionary.” She wanted to go around the world and tell others about Christ and his love for them through song.
In fact, we recently found the lyrics of a song she wrote when she was about 10 years old. It was all about God’s love and how he sent his Son to save us. She wanted to tell the world about Jesus!
Proud mama? You betcha! That is why I SO wish we had Growing Up Wild when my daughter was younger.
What exactly is Growing Up Wild? It’s the resource I wish I would have had to help foster my daughter’s desire to be a missionary and to provide a real-life example of a missionary family!
Growing Up Wild from Wild Brothers Productions is a homeschool / Sunday school missions / Bible curriculum. The fifteen episode DVD series documents the early adventures of the four Wild brothers (yes, their last name really is Wild) who were raised in the wild – growing up in a missionary family in the remote jungles of Papua, Indonesia.
Modern Day Missions
The Growing Up Wild DVD series is a great way to expose children to modern day missions. Viewers to get see how this family shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in a remote area where the name of Jesus had never been heard before!
After watching the very first episode, I was hooked! The life of the Wild Brothers is so wondrous and intriguing!
Although I would have LOVED having this specific resource when my daughter was younger and still desired to be a missionary, Growing Up Wild is an inspiration for all who watch – even if you aren’t planning to become a missionary.
The Growing Up Wild missions / Bible curriculum series inspires viewers to think about how they, too, can play a role in reaching the nations for Christ!
Exploring God’s Creation
In addition to showing a real-life example of missionary children, Growing Up Wild encourages kids to not just sit on the couch and watch, but to go out and into God’s creation and explore for themselves!
Homeschool Missions & Bible Curriculum
Not only does Growing Up Wild provide indescribable insight into the life of the Wild missionary family, but there is an activity guide for each episode as well!
The activity guides provide ideas for interacting with the material presented in the DVDs, including ways to implement missionary lessons into everyday life, exciting ways to explore God’s creation, and much more!
Multiple activities are included for each of the fifteen episodes. What I especially love is that the activities can be easily adjusted and altered to accommodate kids of all ages!
What’s Included?
There are five volumes containing a total of fifteen episodes in the Growing Up Wild DVD curriculum series:
Episode 1: Home Sweet Hut
Episode 2: Supply List
Episode 3: Sun & Water
Volume 2:
Episode 1: Rainy Day
Episode 2: New Discoveries
Episode 3: Hiking Adventures
Volume 3:
Episode 1: The Good Earth
Episode 2: Near & Far
Episode 3: Dr. In the Hut
Volume 4:
Episode 1: Amazing World Around Us
Episode 2: Adventures in Culture
Episode 3: Tribal Calling
Volume 5:
Episode 1: Discovering Language
Episode 2: The Feast
Episode 3: Misconceptions of Missions
Each of the five volumes include two disks. One disk contains the three episodes for that specific volume and the other disk contains the corresponding activity guides for each episode. There are even printables included in the activity guides! And, you know I love printables!
Lesson planning is super easy with this homeschool / Sunday school missions / Bible curriculum! Simply pop in the DVDs, print what you’d like from the activity guide, and enjoy lively discussions along with engaging activities!
Want to Know More?
Are you ready to join in on the adventures of the Wild brothers? You can find out more about them and their exciting adventures by visiting their website or their YouTube channel.
This post was originally published on October 27, 2021.
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