We also make a less healthy version of our butterfly snacks.These were an even bigger hit! To make one butterfly, you need two OREOS, frosting, food coloring, M&Ms, sprinkles, licorice, and gum drops or JuJubees. Separate both OREOS and cut them both in half. Place them filling side up. Mix the food coloring in the frosting and frost all four OREO pieces. Then add in all the other yummy stuff to make your very own, very sweet, butterfly to eat!!! This super sweet treat is from Oreo with a Twist.
Be sure to check out Simply Made Sunday for more great recipes to make in the kitchen with your kiddos.
Mama Jenn
Angee, I would be honored if you linked back to me! Thank you!!!
Love this!!! If it’s okay, I’d love to link to you this week. (I found you through Totally Tots)
Angee 🙂
Milk and Honey Mommy
Thanks for this wonderful idea. My children and I had a blast putting ours together. We made the healthier version although I’m sure my children would have enjoyed eating both.
Milk and Honey Mommy
I’m in the process of making a list of snacks for my children because one can only eat so much peanut butter. This will be a snack we’ll try next week.
Nicole {tired, need sleep}
Yum yum! Both versions look delicious!
Virginia Lee
Very yummy looking. You can never go wrong when there are Oreos. Very cute too. We did something similar for a Simply Made Sunday, but made bugs. I have a 4 year old son.
These are awesome! So adorable! My daughter, our butterfly “lover” would flip over these. Thanks so much for sharing them!
Really cute!
Tara Rison
Oh, yes! My children would be all over the 2nd butterfly. Very cute!
Those look SO good (and so cute!) I bet my kids would love those!
How cute and looks so yummy!