For our Q unit, we learned about birds. However, in addition to the general bird theme, we talked about Numbers 11:4-11, 31-34. So our themes (in addition to birds) were being thankful AND not grumbling/complaining. Here is our lapbook:
Back to the bird theme…we also made bird feeders using pinecones, peanut butter, and seeds. All of the kids got to participate in this one. However, we never did see any birds eat from the pinecones. Perhaps it was because the kids wanted to hang the bird feeders on the tree close to the side of the house. (The only way we could have seen any birds at the feeder is if we were outside…)
The highlight of our week with quails was making an edible bird nest. It was a HUGE hit with all the kids. Well, anything made with chocolate is a big hit in my house!!!
You can get instruction on making the nest here!
Finally, here are some of the bird themed books that we used:
Well, that was about it for our unit on quails!!!
Great Unit! I just love that nest you made! I meant to comment on it before. Well, now you know I just love it!
Melissa: Mother to 3 Little Sp
Very cute lapbook! I love the chocolate nest!
Thanks for the book list! We are going to begin a unit on birds in another week or so and then participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. We did the bird count last year, and our entire family loved it. I’m going to be making your bird nest treats on day for sure!
Melissa: Mother to 3 Little Sprouts
Very cute lapbook! I love the chocolate nest!
Great Unit! I just love that nest you made! I meant to comment on it before. Well, now you know I just love it!