While at the Dollar Store a few weeks ago, I came across a really cute bulletin board border. I decided to use it to make a file folder game for my little ones. This is what I made:
This is what I purchased:
This is what I did with it: Cut out the little colors. You need two of each color. Cut a folder in half. Glue one set of colors to the folder. Laminating is optional (but a requirement in my house if I want it to last more than a few days!). Finally, have fun matching the colors. I still have alot of the border still left…even after making two of the games. Any ideas on what to do with them???
You can find free printable file folder games at http://www.filefolderfarm.com
How about a memory game. Glue to funky paper, laminate and cut out then play memory or snap. Love the folder games. thanks for sharing
Mrs. Wright
What a fantastic idea! I’m off to subscribe to this blog, and your other one! Thanks for sharing the wealth 😛
Nicole {tired, need sleep}
Oh my goodness! What a great idea… very creative! I love the Dollar Tree store, and I’ve seen those cute borders, and wondered what to do with them. Now I know! Thanks for the idea!