We love using bottle tops for crafts! Check out the super cute bottle top ladybugs, spiders, and bumble bees that we made!
The idea was inspired by the bottle top spiders that we made awhile back and the ladybug and bumblebee modern art project we did along with the book, Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy.
The bottle top bugs were all super simple to make.
Ladybugs & Bumblebees: For the ladybugs and bumble bees, we used black acrylic paint, red and yellow bottle tops, and googly eyes. The kids used eraser heads to put spots on the ladybugs (much like our eraser dot rainbow craft) and they painted lines for the stripes on the bees.
Spiders: For the spiders we used black and brown bottle tops and black and brown pipe cleaners. For instructions on the spiders, see the spider bottle top tutorial.
For all of the bugs, I used the glue gun to adhere the eyes so that the wait time was minimal! 🙂 The kids had so much fun with their bugs. They gathered dirt and made a road for their new buggy friends…
I’m loving all of the imaginative play! What are some fun, inexpensive crafts you have made that have inspired imaginative play?
Mama Jenn
Thank you!
Thanks for linking to my ladybug games! Your bug and spiders look wonderful!
Confessions Of A Homeschooler
Those are so cute!
You are an amazing woman!!!
My name is Ana and my daughter ‘accidentally’ found your blog as she was hunting up cute crafty headers. She called my attention to it as she knew I would like it. I am a mother of 14 with several adults, BUT still many littles. My twin daughters are now 20 and I had another set, but one went to heaven. My little man, Titus, is a miracle survivor twin who is now 3. Our blog is huronfamily.blogspot.com if you’d like to see our pics.
Anyway, I wanted to encourage you to keep up the wonderful ministry you have of encouraging other mothers. I, for one, am going to try some of your crafty ideas and I definitely need to study your bin-organization method!
God bless you so much!
Deborah (Teach Preschool)
Those turned out great!
Okay, I am totally making these.
Donovan Doins
Very cute and fun.