This is another file folder game that I made before I knew there was such things as colored file folders. Hence, the blue sky painted by my daughter…rather than a blue file folder. {smile} The idea is that you want to get your balloon from the start to the end by identifying whether or not pictures begin with the letter B. {You could easily adapt this game for whatever letter sound you want to work on!}How I made the game: While the paint was drying, I cut the white clouds. (I just free-handed them.) Then I glued them on to make a path, labeling the first cloud “start” and the last cloud “end.” Next, I laminated the folder with contact paper. For the game pieces, I cut out little balloons and glued some yarn to them. (You could easily just print out balloon clipart.) Finally, for the cards, I printed off lots of clipart (most beginning with the letter B) and glued them onto index cards that were cut in half. In addition to clipart, I drew a few pictures and used pictures that I cut out of magazines. I made about 40 cards or so. (Just be sure to include some pictures that do not begin with the letter B.)
How to play the game: Begin with the balloons at the start position. The players take turns picking a card from the top of the stack. (Cards should be stacked face down.) The player then identifies the picture on the card and determines if it begins with the “B” sound. If it does begin with the “B” sound, the player moves one space/cloud and puts the card in the discard pile. If the picture does not begin with the “B” sound, the player does not move, the card is put into the discard pile, and the next player takes their turn. Reshuffle the discarded stack of cards if you run out of cards before making it to the end of the game.
The idea for this game came from our Hands On Homeschooling curriculum.
Just a thought tonight on this game. It can easily be used as a phonics game too. Same idea but instead of pictures on the cards, words could be printed and used instead. For example, my k’ner is working hard on cvc words so 40 or so cards with cat, hat, dog, log, etc, etc. Then if he correctly sounds out and says the word aloud, he moves forward. I suppose you would need two children working at the same level for that. Unless you printed two separate piles of words, one pile per each child’s level and they just work from their own pile.
Also would work as a spelling game.
Btw, I put together my version of your apple/ant game tonight as well as the color game. Can’t wait for my 3 yr old to see both in the morning!!
Super cute! But, if you used the colored file folders you wouldn’t get the cute painted background.