Download FREE John 3:16 Bible verse printables & copywork pages to supplement the My Father’s World ECC homeschool curriculum.
Whether you are using the My Father’s World Exploring Countries & Cultures curriculum OR you’re simply on the hunt for some John 3:16 Bible verse printables, I’ve got you covered! Although I created these for my children to supplement the MFW ECC homeschool curriculum, these printables and copywork pages can be used by anyone learning the famous Bible verse, John 3:16!
Subscriber ONLY Download
The John 3:16 Bible Verse Printables & Copywork Pages are currently available only to Mama Jenn subscribers on my special My Father’s World email list.
Subscribers: Access this FREE printable by clicking the download button below and entering my special MFW Subscribers Only username and password.
Download the John 3:16 Verses & Copywork Printables
*The download links above are only for subscribers.*
Not a Subscriber? Get access to the printable by clicking the button below to subscribe to my special MFW email newsletter and I’ll send you the username and password to download the file.
My Father's World [FREE] Printables:
PLEASE NOTE: These printables were designed for use by 2nd and 3rd graders using the My Father’s World Exploring Countries & Cultures curriculum.
Lastly, I created these printables to coordinate with the original version of the MFW ECC curriculum. I am not certain if they coordinate with the current version available.
See ALL my Exploring Countries & Cultures Supplements
Even More MFW Printables:
Are you using a different My Father’s World curriculum? No problem! I’ve created printables to supplement many of the other MFW curriculum packages. Check out the other MFW printables I have created:
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Adventures in U.S. History
- Exploring Countries & Cultures
- Creation to the Greeks
- Rome to the Reformation
- Exploration to 1850
- 1850 to Modern Times
Go to my MFW Supplements Homepage
This post was originally published on August 23, 2011.
Hi! I am stopping by from the MFW Blogroll and co-hosting the My Father’s World Homeschool Highlights this school year with Kathi @ A Heart Like Water. This is where MFW families connect weekly, or as often as you like, to share what we are doing in our homeschools. The first one is Aug 25, the info is on my blog. I hope you join us!
ps: We are doing ECC this year too, and your printables are great!
You sooo rock with the printables…..thank you!
Suzie H
Thank you for sharing these! We’re starting EC&C this year, and these will be a wonderful help!