“I can’t homeschool because I have twins!”
I have heard this statement from many fellow moms of multiples. However, as a mom of not one, but two sets of twin boys, I feel the exact opposite! One of the major reasons that I choose to homeschool my kids is because I have twins!
Can I be completely open and honest?
While I think my daughter could be perfectly fine in a traditional school setting, I am hugely concerned that my twin boys would be “labeled” in such an environment. While I want them to be seen and treated as individuals, I don’t want one’s strengths to highlight the other’s weaknesses. For example, I know that ALL of my boys are very bright and intelligent. They all excel in different areas! One of my 7 year olds is very meticulous and methodical while the other is quite the free spirit! I don’t want those God-given characteristics to lead to classroom labels such as “the smart twin” and “the silly twin.” Nor do I want my boys to think that those labels dictate who they are!
While I want to avoid labels, I also want my boys to been seen as individuals. They may look alike, but they are not carbon copies! They learn differently. They are interested in different things! They excel in different areas! Because they look alike, it seems quite easy, almost natural for others to clump them together as if they are one person rather than seeing them as two completely different people! They are more, much more than just “the twin wearing blue” and “the twin wearing orange.”
As both their mother and teacher, I feel that I am the most qualified person to ensure that my boys are encouraged to thrive in their diversity as opposed to living under the dictation of labels. I work hard at intentionally accentuating their individual strengths without indirectly condemning their weaknesses. Honestly, I feel that no one is going to have my children’s best interest at heart more than myself! So, who better to teach and train them?
With that said, I am definitely not implying that homeschooling twins is easy. Homeschooling twins definitely presents its share of joys and challenges! However, knowing for certain that my boys will not be labeled by their teacher; knowing that they will be treated as individuals; knowing that they will be encouraged in their own specific God-given strengths…is priceless!
So, if you are thinking about homeschooling twins, but doubtful of your ability to teach them, I encourage you to can your mindset.
“I can’t CAN homeschool BECAUSE I have twins!”
Be sure to visit the iHomeschool Network for lots more bloggers sharing tons of other I Can’t Homeschool Because… topics!
Looking for more information on homeschooling twins? Check out some of my other posts:
Mama Jenn
You are so very welcome! And, YES, you CAN homeschool with multiplies!!! 🙂
Mama Jenn
Yes, one of the beauties of homeschooling is that you can decide what is best for your kids! Thanks so much for deciding to follow along!
Calees Sewell
My boy/girl twins will be 3 in June, and God has been leading us to focus on homeschooling for them. My main concern was going to be the school district trying to split them up into different classrooms, regardless of what we thought would be better for them. I didn’t want to have to fight the school if they’d be better together. With homeschooling them, I know we won’t have to worry about that at all and they’ll both get the one-on-one time they need. I’m definitely going to be following you posts as we begin this journey.
Alexis @ A Moment with M.O.M.
Thank you for this encouragement. My twins are not school-age yet but everything you’ve described about personalities is spot on. I have 3 in less than 1 year so I plan on starting them all of in the same grade when it comes time. We can and will homeschool with multiples! My toddlers will fit right in with their older siblings who are well into their homeschooling career. Blessings! ~Alexis on behalf of everyone at A Moment with M.O.M.
Mama Jenn
Thanks for sharing Ginger! So glad you have found something that works well for you and your kids!
Mama Jenn
That is so awesome that your twins are having a wonderful kindergarten experience!!! Sounds like they have an awesome teacher! Having an attentive teacher is a true blessing!
Well, my first set of twins are in Kindergarten at a private school and it has been wonderful! They are definitely treated as individuals, and their teacher knows their individual strengths and weaknesses. Neither myself nor my husband feel they have been labeled in any way. School can definitely be a positive experience. If our twins are ever labeled in a negative way, we will handle the problem then…not worry about something that may never happen.
ginger hoffman
we use a cyber school, and we have twins. Actually they started schooling at home at 4 because the district wouldn’t let them in because of their age. they were ready for kinder but the district school demanded they start pre-k instead. I began the search and went with connections academy on line. Today we use that cyber school for 4 out of 5 children.. is it easy? Not, but wouldn’t change a thing… I can spend time with one twin while the other moves along by herself. it is nice to learn at their speed no pressure. Today we have a 3rd, 2nd and two in 1st. next year we will be using http://www.allinonehomeschool.com with our littlest who will be turning 4 at the end of he year. (getting my feet wet with traditional homeschooling and may make the big switch the following year for all 5)
thanks for sharing this post with us=)
Mama Jenn
I TOTALLY agree!!! 😉
Mama Jenn
Thanks for sharing Heather!
Mama Jenn
Yay! Another mom of multiple multiples!!!!
Janae Wenger Lemmert
I love this post. We also have two sets of twins, but ours are all girls! Our girls are 17 months apart. We have always homeschooled them. I cannot imagine how complicated life would be if they were all in school, in different classrooms, with different teachers and conflicting activities. Thank you!
Heather H
Labels abound in school anyways and I hadn’t thought about how a set of twins would have to grapple with additional labels… I’m definitely passing your encouragement along to friends of mine with twins!
Love this post Mama Jenn. I have boy/girl 10 year old twins and every day is a new adventure and I know you know what I mean. I love being able to homeschool and give them each my undivided attention. Like you said I also think that if my kjiddos were in school they would have been labeled, this way they are home with me and we can work on their strengths and weaknesses with out that astigmatism.