Teaching the true meaning of holidays has always been an important to me. Specifically, I wanted my children to know the truth behind all of the glitter and gold of Christmas. While it may be fun to think of a jolly old man in a red suit delivering Christmas gifts, I was intentional about teaching my kids about the true meaning of Christmas.
What about you? Want a little help teaching your children about the true meaning of holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Halloween? I know exactly what you need!
I received these books free of charge for review purposes and I was financially compensated for my time. All opinions expressed in this post are my own and I was not required to post a positive review of the product.
The Love Letters Book Series is exactly what you need!
Teaching the True Meaning of Holidays
I LOVE to see my children reading. It makes my heart happy! I am even more thrilled when they are interested in books that teach a worthwhile message! With that said, I was VERY happy to see them checking out The Love Letters Books Series!
I am VERY impressed with these books!
It’s Not About You, Mr. Santa Claus: A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Christmas
It’s Not About You, Mrs. Turkey: A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Thanksgiving
It’s Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin: A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Halloween
These books are all excellent resources for teaching the true meaning and history of each respective holiday!
We read about how Christmas is really about the birth of Jesus Christ. We were reminded that Thanksgiving is not just about a big feast.
We also learned interesting details about the history of Halloween.
Easy to Understand Holiday Books
Each story is essentially a letter (addressed to Mr. Santa Claus, Mrs. Turkey and Mr. Pumpkin) where the child explains the meaning of each holiday. The child expresses that the holiday is really not about them (Santa, turkeys, and pumpkins) and goes on to provide historical accounts of the origin of each holiday.
I appreciate that each story is written from a child’s perspective, full of thoughtful questions and endearing comments. I could totally “hear” my kids expressing some of the same comments and concerns!
Because each book is written from a child’s perspective, the books are very easy to understand, making the true history of each holiday more meaningful and engaging.
Mama is Learning Too!
So, I must admit…these books weren’t just for the kids! While I know the history of Christmas and Thanksgiving quite well, I wasn’t as familiar with the history of Halloween. There was actually quite a bit about the holiday that I was clueless about!
For example, do you know the history behind calling carved pumpkins jack-o-lanterns or why people began bobbing for apples? I sure didn’t, but now I know!
Christian-based Holiday Books
The true meaning of each holiday is taught in a way that is easy for children (and adults) to understand. But, what I love most about The Love Letters Book Series is that with each book the bright pictures and informative content all point children towards Christ! The historical account of the true meaning of each of the holidays is presented through a lens that glorifies God!
An Author on a Mission
I love Coffelt’s book series and I’m looking forward to the upcoming additions to the series! However, I am equally impressed with her mission:
From author Soraya Diase Coffelt:
My profound interest is promoting literacy. My slogan is “Reading helps children achieve their divine destinies.” As a Christian, I believe that every child has a God-given destiny. From my own personal experiences as well as my professional experiences as a lawyer and former judge, I have seen how critical literacy is in a child’s life.
All the proceeds from the sale of my books go to As the Stars of the Sky Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, to promote the importance of literacy in a child’s life. My website asthestarsofthesky.org tells more about the purpose for the foundation as well as my background.
I love to read to children whenever and wherever I can. I read at Head Start Centers, elementary schools, clinics, and children’s parties. Often I find that I am a mentor to parents, showing to them how they can read books to their children in a fun and interesting way, so that reading is not seen as a boring chore.
I have 2 more books that will be released in 2017 – It’s Not About You Mr. Easter Bunny – A Love Letter About the True Meaning of Easter; and It’s Not About You Mrs. Firecracker – A Love Letter About the True Meaning of the Fourth of July.
Connect with Author Soraya Diase Coffelt:
Purchase The Love Letters Book Series:
So, want a little help teaching the true meaning of Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween to your children? I would highly recommend The Love Letters Book Series:
The author is graciously giving away 6 sets of holiday books! Enter to win using the widget below.
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