For those of you did not notice, my blog has been temporarily deleted for over a month now. Basically, I found that I would spend entirely too much time blogging, thinking about blogging, etc. I found that I would “do” certain things…just so I could blog about them. I would keep my camera around…just in case the kids did something that I might want to blog about. It was borderline obsessive! {smile}
This along with some other reasons (I will blog about these another time) led me to believe that I needed to curb my online activity…specifically blogging. See, the Lord had been telling me to stop blogging for awhile, but I just was NOT trying to hear it. Well, the Lord has a way of getting His point across. Every time I would go to blog or even think about blogging, I would have headaches and feel sick to my stomach. It got to the point that I was having such a mental and physical battle over the whole thing that I finally decided to just stop blogging, but the conviction didn’t leave. I made the blog private and the conviction was still there. Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore and decided that it just wasn’t worth it. I marched downstairs and deleted the blog and boy was the weight lifted! I felt SO much better! It is amazing what peace comes with simple obedience!
Then, much to my surprise, once I thought the blog was gone forever (and was starting to feel good about my step of obedience), I read where I had 90 days to restore the blog before it would be permanently deleted. I know that this is far-fetched, but it reminded me of the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Bible. In Abraham’s mind, Isaac was as good as dead. Just as he lifted the ax in obedience, God provided the ram. In a way, I feel that the option of the 90 day time period was my “ram.” The Lord just wanted obedience. I wish I would have obeyed sooner. Maybe I could have avoided all the drama I put on myself as a struggled with deleting the thing! {smile}
So, please, if you get nothing more out of this post, I want to encourage you to just obey. Whatever it is that the Lord is speaking to you (whether it has to do with blogging or not), step out in faith and just obey!!!
I have (obviously) felt like the Lord has given me the “green light” to start blogging again. He has shown me so much and taught me so much during this time away. I am eager to share some of those things in hopes that it will help someone else who may happen to read my blog. So, stay tuned…
P.S. It feels good to be back!
Well Watered Woman
I’m glad to see you back but more than that I’m glad that you obeyed the Lord.
What a powerful testimony and lesson to so many, thank you for sharing this with us. It is a huge reminder that obedience is better than sacrifice.
Heather - - Dolla
So now that I go back to read this “previous post” I get the rest of the story. And of course, if God told you to do it, who can argue?! 🙂
Heather - -
So now that I go back to read this “previous post” I get the rest of the story. And of course, if God told you to do it, who can argue?! 🙂
Well Watered Woman
I’m glad to see you back but more than that I’m glad that you obeyed the Lord.
What a powerful testimony and lesson to so many, thank you for sharing this with us. It is a huge reminder that obedience is better than sacrifice.
You’re baaaack!!!! Yay! Yay God!!
Yay you for obeying!!!
😉 Carisa
I don’t know you Jenn but I’m a friend of a friend. I just want to say that you have been an inspiration to me and my family. Thanks for all that you’ve done. This post is just an example of how you shine so brightly for God!
The Lane Family
I have missed your blog. It gives me strength and encouragement to home school and hang in there with it. I also understand when the Lord tells yous to do something you have to listen or he will help you listen 🙂
I will pray for the balance you need in your life.
Wendi 🙂
Glad to see you back.
What a great post! It is amazing how God gets our attention sometimes. So glad you are back!
I was wondering what happened to you but I completely understand what you are saying.. I have found myself there as well. God blesses obedience. This is a journey we are all on… he is perfecting us in his time and in his way, we just need to trust him! Great to see you back!
I’ve missed you being gone. I understand how hard it is to let something go God has called you to, but you want to keep doing.
I’ll be praying that you can keep it in balance. I am working on finding that balance as well.